Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast Episode #175 Trusting God as the Source of Your Provision (Chat with Tasha Glover)
“It’s not so much that you should do it because you’re good at it; it’s you should do it because you’re called to do it.” – Tasha Glover
Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur | Tasha Glover
Episode Details:
- Episode Date: 2018-06-06
- Length: 35.5 Minutes
- Referenced Bible Verses: Matthew 6:26
- Other Episodes: 252
- Host: Shae Bynes
- Related Guest: none
- Related Guest Episodes: none
- Mentioned Resources: none
What’s It About?
Tasha shares rather candidly with Shae how she didn’t truly understand FAITH until God had her make a move. That move was leaving a very lucrative corporate job to become an entrepreneur working from home with her children. Her adventure of doing business in partnership with Holy Spirit as He guided her into launching her business. Holy Spirit gives Tasha prophetic dreams related to her clients and has her share these with them. Tasha also shares how, very early on, her faith is put to the test and Father God comes through.
Even if you aren’t a business owner or even considering being an entrepreneur, you’ll still find this podcast episode helpful for building your faith as you hear testimonies from Tasha on how God provided through the transition process.
How Has It Helped Me?
Tasha moved into entrepreneurship as a result of God’s leading and a promise to send clients. God sent clients to her through referrals because she did not have any formal marketing to gain clients. She also gained clients through her interactions within various Facebook groups. Clients were not requesting validation of her skills. This is not how things are typically done; it was God’s way of confirming that Tasha was moving in the right direction.
No job postings for help. God pointed out people who were to be on her team and she was to contact. What she found was that the people wanted to join her in this way.
Tasha points out that as her relationship with God grew, He started giving her dreams about her clients and potential clients. She shares the dreams with her clients in round-a-bout ways.
Big challenge: Connecting with the right people to avoid “noise”. Kingdom wisdom is not the same as the world’s wisdom so it’s important to maintain the correct focus. “When do I say…?” Basically, hearing God to know when to share and when to remain quiet when God shares…might be He’s sharing to open our eyes to be watching and taking note before trying to offer advice. Then, the way the advice is shared is more of a question to consider to give the client time to consider/pray rather than “The Lord said…” and shut them down from even stopping to pray.
Tasha was so committed to trusting God and taking Him at His word, that even though she saw posts where others had posted that they are hiring her type of work, God said He’d bring the clients so she waited faithfully. Matthew 6:26 concerning God’s provision for the birds. Red birds were showing up a lot. Red = Jesus. God is going to provide. Clients come and go but the budget has always been met. She even conceived 8 days after her job ended…God provided.