Brandon Galici

Brandon currently lives in Wheeling, West Virginia with his wife Amanda. He has been a financial advisor since 2018 and is passionate about helping his clients maximize their lives today while planning for their future. A few areas that Brandon specializes in are comprehensive financial planning, investment management/market loss reduction strategies, retirement plans for business owners, and financial life organization. If you have financial questions for Brandon, he would love to have a conversation with you at no cost. Feel free to connect with him under the “Contact Information” headline. 

Brandon also serves as an Igniters Mentor in Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, a community that helps entrepreneurs experience God’s best and have a greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace. Visit or reach out to Brandon to learn more.

When we shared the concept of The Project with Brandon, we were very honored to have him request to help us build this as a Contributor. In this role, Brandon takes his notes from books he’s read and provides them here. These are books that have impacted his walk with Jesus as well as his business life. It’s this kind of daily exercise that caused Team KDE to take note of him and then to approach him to be a paid mentor for their program and it shows up in his diligent work for his clients as a financial advisor as well.

One thing you immediately notice about Brandon Galici is his smile. Whether in person, on a Zoom meeting or in photos, this young man smiles and reveals his warm heart for others. It’s real and it’s inviting. Just know that Brandon’s smile betrays his truest feelings for others as he never meets a stranger and always meets a person of great worth in Jesus’ eyes. We encourage you to check out his social media profiles as well as business profiles.

Contact Information

Business Phone: (304) 482-0491

Business Email:


Business Profile:  Brandon John Galici


Social Media Connections

Facebook:  GaliciBrandon

Instagram:  GaliciBrandon

LinkedIn:  GaliciBrandon


Hobbies & Interests

Golfing, Camping, Mountain Biking, Coffee