Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast Episode #139 Partnering with God’s Grace to Grow in Kingdom Business and Family (with Jaime Cross)
“When He (God) builds it, and you’re just faithful with what He’s giving you, He’ll maintain it.” – Jaime Cross
Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur | MIG Living
Episode Details:
- Episode Date: 2017-01-25
- Length: 34 Minutes
- Other Episodes: 265
- Host: Shae Bynes
- Related Guest: None
- Related Guest Episodes: None
- Mentioned Resources: None
Referenced Bible Verses:
Deuteronomy 8:18
Acts 17:28
Isaiah 30:21
2 Corinthians 3:18
What’s It About?
Is Jaime’s story about business, answered prayers, or grace to do those things that you don’t know to get you where you must be? Yes! It’s all three. As you listen to this episode, you’ll hear Jaime share how she prayed for a business to help her family financially while being able to work at home with her boys. Jaime shares challenges that they faced and how God provided. It started with a literal dream that God gave her and then became an actual business.
How Has It Helped Me?
In Development